Pushkin Teachers Residentials – Pushkin House

Principals and teachers from new schools and returning schools will participate in residential workshops which will be held on the following dates:

• November 8th/9th

• November 17th/18th

The residential sessions are designed to develop the teachers’ own creativity, to inspire them with new approaches and methodologies and to introduce the Pushkin theme for the year, ‘The Spark of Stillness’. As part of the programme teachers have the opportunity to explore the environment with one of our Environmentalists, all of whom led our teachers on wonderful, informative and thought provoking walks on the estate. The teachers also have the chance to explore their own creativity through working with a Pushkin Artist Facilitator. The teachers also explore ways to apply their experience in these areas to help them develop methodologies to enhance Creative Writing in their classrooms. The teachers experience the Pushkin approach first hand to ensure they would be better equipped to plan and deliver the Pushkin experience with their pupils. Over the course of the residential session, the participating teachers are provided with:

• our Thematic Unit to support their creative work in school

• an outline of the Pushkin year, events and important dates

• the list of facilitators who can support them in their work

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